Tuesday, October 03, 2006

News4Jax.com - Education - School Gives Parents Detention For Late Kids

News4Jax.com - Education - School Gives Parents Detention For Late Kids

WTF is this? Read this article and tell me how this is not an attempt of the school to regulate us as adults? It happens to be a government school so this would be a direct attempt at government to limit freedom that we enjoy in this country.

You know I agree we should not be late to school with our children as they need to be there on time but to force us to go to detention? Who the heck made me accountable to them? Last time I checked the principal of my local grade school was not a position I elected or a law that I voted on and agreed to be subject too.

I for one am not and will not be accountable to an educator who chooses to make arbitrary rules for my children and myself. But lets make the reverse true, If I feel that they are not doing all they can to educate my child can I then impose some punishment on them? If little Johnny fails because he didn’t get the help he needed I will demand half the teachers pay and the administrations pay to put him in tutoring to make up for the missing help. Also the guidance counselor will be required to deliver and pick up little Johnny from this private tutoring session as I cannot be late to work again after serving my DETENTION for being caught in traffic.

This is punishment without cause and there are no checks and balances in this, creating a fascist state administered by a socialist organization and any parent who subjects himself to the humiliation of this should have their head examined. Of course they obviously went to the same government schools as this one is and never learned how to think for themselves or how to explore the ramifications of either of the two above listed forms of government.

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