Wednesday, October 04, 2006

'Ban Harry Potter or face more school shootings' | the Daily Mail

'Ban Harry Potter or face more school shootings' | the Daily Mail

You want to know what evil looks like. Check out this picture. This is what the face of the people who would limit your freedom looks like. They are not red, horned beasts but mothers with an apocalyptic view of society in general and not enough confidence in themselves and their ability to raise children that they have to attempt to force others to do it. My children can tell the difference between right and wrong, fact and fantasy and I taught them that very early in life.

I am sad for this lady that she cannot have enough faith in her own ability to raise her children and teach them this fundamental difference that she feels the need to force the compensation for her inadequacies on the rest of us by limiting what our children are allowed to read.

Well for one my kids know what is acceptable and what is not and how to tell the difference. Hers apparently cannot, according to her actions they also lack the self control to follow the rules when Mommy is not watching, so they have no integrity either. What exactly is she teaching her children that they lack this fundamental value?

Lets ban every book that mentions, spirits, witchcraft, the occult, and anything else that we may not want our children exposed too and are too lazy to teach them ourselves to stay away from. Oh but wait that eliminates many books listed in the article but hey NEWS FLASH it eliminates the bible too! Which contains themes of disgusting reanimation of the dead, spiritual warfare, beasts (not described in detail), speaking with spirits, ghosts, demons, angels, and an evil character called Satan who used to be good (this might confuse the little children’s ability to tell good from evil)?

What is this teaching our children? To give up every time they are faced with a difficult circumstance? To run to the government to shield and protect them every time they are faced with a moral dilemma? Well read the news folks, the people in charge apparently went to some of these schools because some of them have just as much trouble "being good" as this woman’s children do when they are removed from the artificial control created by helicopter parents (always hovering around to make sure jr. does not make any mistakes.)

Have some faith in yourself and your children’s ability to tell right from wrong and your ability to teach them the precious morals and values that are important to you.

Do not ever presume to tell me how I should raise my children and what values they "should" have. Matter of fact if these books were banned in my kids schools, after a verbal fight on my end, I would send them to school with Harry Potter books proudly displayed and a black armband to represent the limits of their freedom. And let the school administration fight us on it. I teach my children about freedom and intelligence not ignorance and fear.

For those of you in a censored environment this is called "Civil Disobedience" and was at one time encouraged..... Oh but wait that book was probably banned, too so you would not know anything about that would you Mrs. Laura "helicopter parent" Mallory?

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