Thursday, July 21, 2011

Reality check and a free offer!

 This is the entry that I have been struggling to write. For the last few weeks I have been living with disappointment and a feeling of failure. Our goals for the foundation were so lofty and high for June and the first part of July and we missed the mark by so much. I have, over the last few days, taken into account so many things and have come up empty. Feeling sorry for myself, disappointed and horribly discouraged, it has been a challenge even to focus on what is important.

Something dawned on me last night as I was working and thinking, stacking firewood, to be exact. What we are doing here is working! Sure we missed the goal by 99%, yup we raised a whopping $325.00 for foster kids to go to camp. With the match that’s $650.00. Looks like a dismal failure right? Well lets review exactly what this means. (BTW I am rounding that match up to make it an even $1000.00 with our own donations!).

From a cold start with no experience whatsoever we now are able to send two kids to summer camp next year. I am willing to bet you they won't feel like we failed one little bit. Through the massive efforts of all the folks involved, is now a reality and stands to generate even more money over its lifetime, not to mention all the fun and friendships that will be fostered. We have several events in the planning stages to create a good time, and money for the foundation. I have learned so much over the last few weeks, not the least of which is you cannot ever guess who is going to actually put their money or their efforts where there mouth is. I want to give a huge thank you to all of you who are and have been helping with this project and assure you your efforts are not in vain.

And the 1% thing, well that’s discouraging to say the least but I now know how to raise the money, I just need to do 100x the work and we will be at our goal. One day in the near future we will raise the initial goal amount in one day! And that my friends is the power of an organization rather than an individual. I have seen it happen in business and know for a fact that it can be done. Belief is a beautiful thing and has nothing to do with the facts at hand.

For now, remember never to give up, don’t feel sorry for yourself, and keep on going no matter what is put in your way. Only through this can we truly make a difference. (I think this is for me more than anyone else.)

Now for the fun stuff: If you haven't already, go sign up for an account at, we need beta testers for the site. Anyone who signs up, provides feedback, and actually helps on the site will have the first year of their membership for free!

See you in the woods,


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