Monday, January 05, 2009

Minnesota Board Calls Senate Race for Franken -

Minnesota Board Calls Senate Race for Franken -

"....because I am good enough, and smart enough...and dog gone it....people like me."

WTF How the hell did this happen? He has the same lead as the incumbent, yes I know his name is Coleman, did and he didn't call the race?

Come on folks its not possible that all Americans are the blissful ignorant minions that they believe we are.

Welcome to the USSA (United Socialist States of America) where if you want something bad enough and can afford the lawyers well the by all means son step right up its all yours.

Lord deliver me from SNL.

1 comment:

PhlintRock said...

Well he is now Senator Al Franken, OMG but still to be respected. At least until six years from now when we can have an election that in uncontested. Come on America wake up please.