Friday, November 10, 2006 Exclusive: Charges Sought Against Rumsfeld Over Prison Abuse -- Page 1 Exclusive: Charges Sought Against Rumsfeld Over Prison Abuse -- Page 1

Just exactly when did we become accountable to other countries?

This mindless pap of an excuse for a news article makes me angry enough that I can feel the blood rushing in my eyes!

Just when exactly did we become accountable to the German laws? Oh wait that hasn’t happened.

Just when did we become accountable to the kangaroo court or “tribunal” as this article calls it? Oh wait that hasn’t happened either.

So just where is this article relevant to the good ole’ us of a? ITS NOT!

Except for political patter and brownie points with the Democrats for furthering the socialist agenda that has become so rampantly popular among the non thinking drones that now seem to populate our cities.

Oh and wait it makes for an interesting story, Rumsefeld was so mean, he was so bad, he was hard on those prisoners to make them talk.

News flash you bleeding heart idiots, this is war and they are not sally sue in pig tails from down the street. These folks were shooting guns (those are things that throw bullets, for you addelpated skull musher’s out there who forgot) at our men and women and would gladly kill you in a second if they thought it would glorify their “peaceful” deity.

I say he did what he had to do to keep our men and women safe and he should be protected. So maybe he should show up in court, with an M1 on either side of him saying yah I did it and who wants some now.

Or better yet lets file suit against the North Koreans for breaking the treaty? Or how bout Iran for thumbing their nose at the UN and doing what ever the hell they want? Make them accountable. Oh no we cant do that. Or better yet lets file suit against the terrorists for beheading our citizens, that’s cruel treatment, and they didn’t even ask them any questions.

I don’t see this happening but we need to make sure that we don’t forget just exactly who it is that keeps us safe!

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