Friday, November 10, 2006 Exclusive: Charges Sought Against Rumsfeld Over Prison Abuse -- Page 1 Exclusive: Charges Sought Against Rumsfeld Over Prison Abuse -- Page 1

Just exactly when did we become accountable to other countries?

This mindless pap of an excuse for a news article makes me angry enough that I can feel the blood rushing in my eyes!

Just when exactly did we become accountable to the German laws? Oh wait that hasn’t happened.

Just when did we become accountable to the kangaroo court or “tribunal” as this article calls it? Oh wait that hasn’t happened either.

So just where is this article relevant to the good ole’ us of a? ITS NOT!

Except for political patter and brownie points with the Democrats for furthering the socialist agenda that has become so rampantly popular among the non thinking drones that now seem to populate our cities.

Oh and wait it makes for an interesting story, Rumsefeld was so mean, he was so bad, he was hard on those prisoners to make them talk.

News flash you bleeding heart idiots, this is war and they are not sally sue in pig tails from down the street. These folks were shooting guns (those are things that throw bullets, for you addelpated skull musher’s out there who forgot) at our men and women and would gladly kill you in a second if they thought it would glorify their “peaceful” deity.

I say he did what he had to do to keep our men and women safe and he should be protected. So maybe he should show up in court, with an M1 on either side of him saying yah I did it and who wants some now.

Or better yet lets file suit against the North Koreans for breaking the treaty? Or how bout Iran for thumbing their nose at the UN and doing what ever the hell they want? Make them accountable. Oh no we cant do that. Or better yet lets file suit against the terrorists for beheading our citizens, that’s cruel treatment, and they didn’t even ask them any questions.

I don’t see this happening but we need to make sure that we don’t forget just exactly who it is that keeps us safe!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006 - Family - 'Helicopter Parent' Trend Invades Job Fairs - Family - 'Helicopter Parent' Trend Invades Job Fairs

OMG I am on the side of education in this one!

Helicopter Parents, the worst assault on personal freedom since the PC movement which if you read my stuff at all you know I believe is the gateway to socialistic hell and the destroyer of personal freedom.

Why do these overbearing “best interest at heart” do gooder parents not have enough faith in their children to let them do their own thing. Another way to look at this is call them a control freak, domineering, overbearing pain in the rear. But that is a bit harsh isn’t it? Not at all.

I have six children, yes six. I do not agree with everything they do but they are taught to be free thinkers and make their own decisions from a young age. Yes you heard that right, I encourage my children to make mistakes! They are not evil, mistakes that is, the jury is still out on some of my kids. Mistakes are how we learn. There is such a stigma in today’s society about winning and never making a mistake. Well who gets blamed? The parents? Nope, the Kids, Nope. We blame the “pressure” to win so we eliminate competition to make it better. Well whose addlebrained idea is this one? Its not winning that’s the problem and its not losing that’s the problem its quitting that is the problem.

Struggle is a good thing, failure is a good thing, giving up, that’s a horrible thing. We are not allowed to give up in my house. You can fail as much as you like as long as you get back up and try again. Mistakes are rewarded with experience and that builds self esteem. Not some over zealous soccer mom in a Prada suit running around begging people “please hire my baby. I know he cannot be here today because he is at home feeling good about himself and his lack of progress in school but I promise if you hire him then I will be right there to make sure that he gets his work done just like I have been since the beginning of his educational career.”

Excuse me is this not weird to anyone else? WTF is this about? Your Educational Career? Last time I checked it was called school and if you didn’t make good grades, it was because you didn’t do what you needed to, to get those grades. Not because mom and dad didn’t try hard enough to encourage you.

Oh but wait it gets better. So now we have these pampered spoiled little brats who live at home till 30 and beyond who all have great self esteem but are miserable and scared because they have never accomplished one worthy thing on their own in their life. News flash folks, life is lived in the struggle not in the victory. The victory is empty without the pain of achieving it. When mom and dad do this Kiddo becomes a sniveling idiot with no skills and an entitlement attitude. They become a bigger loser than their parents could ever imagine.

Keep reading and you might get even more pissed. Yes I will tell you to your face that you are a bad parent if you do this because you are. Yes I will tell you you re a loser if you still live at home after 18. Yup I said 18. My kids get out when they are 18 if I have to throw them out. Do they make all the right decisions? Nope, not according to my definition of right. Do I make them for them? Nope, their life I have become and advisor.

Do I help if they are in dire trouble? Maybe, depends on how bad I think it is. Yes I would let my kids go hungry for a few days so they could learn a lesson. Not my minor children but if they are over 18 they know how to feed themselves properly.

God that’s harsh isn’t it? Well guess what, too bad the real world is harsh and nobody cares if its hard to make it because it is. I have more respect for the 30 year old living in a dump with a POS car working 3 jobs trying to make it than I do for the pathetic excuse for a person still living at home with a gravy job and all the “trappings” of life. The second is an example of a false life funded by you guessed it “helicopter parents” the first is an example of a person building a life for themselves.

You are supposed to make bad decisions in life, its called learning and it makes us stronger people. Yes its hard, yes it sucks sometimes and yes you cannot undo everything all the time but oh well that’s what makes life interesting.

Oh and if you are one of the lazy butts still living at home with mom and dad? You have two choices. Go buy some diapers and bottles so they can feed you and wipe your ass because going to the bathroom is the only thing you are doing for yourself currently and hell why not stop that since they do everything else for you. Or Go get a life and start living instead of be a pathetic sycophant living on your parents dime.

Its called reality folks, try it you might like it