Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Information Control or Where the School went wrong

I really should be working right now but this has been weighing on my mind since last night. Really must be said before I explode.

When did it become ok to police thought? Huxley and Orwell would be rolling in their graves fighting for the right too say I told you so first. (Sadly enough, kids today don't know who they are because those books are no longer widely read in school because of "suggestive content." ) That however is another rant.

Well forgive me for being blunt but "What the French toast?"

My daughter, she's 15, had a friend in trouble for that exact expression in school. Would someone mind telling me exactly when breakfast pastries became offensive language? Oh pancakes, I just lost my oatmeal. Look, the explanation was that it was not what was said but the manner in which it was used and said. The converse of this statement is not true however. I cannot tell someone to go screw themselves in a nice conversational tone and not get in trouble at school. What are we all dogs? Well I could, thank god (yup this word is offensive too) I am no longer subject to the thought police or as I like to think of them "addlepated, thumb sucking, pin headed, word croissants"

This is all rooted in the 'Political Correctness' of today's society. OMG be careful you might offend someone by what you say so we will be careful and live in a boring, censored world. Plain vanilla (oh wait I just offended all the albinos out there.)

The first step to tyranny is secrets, the second is information control. Folks this is what this is plain and simple, you can't talk this way, you can't dress this way, you can't think this way because it's wrong. Well guess what, if my kids want to think for themselves, I am going to defend them. If they want to feel a certain way and express that in a polite non offensive manner, then don't stop them.

Oh and if you are an administrator who wants to punish my children for using their freedom of speech (yes kids rights are protected too you malt-o-meal minded cornflakes), then please call me and I will be happy to show up and get in your face but be warned I have a large vocabulary and am not afraid to use it; but most likely I will choose to speak in manner which you choco-crisp educators can understand.

This Crepe has got to be stopped now!