Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Fuel supplies stable at Florida ports - 2005-08-30

Read the first sentence on the second paragraph. I don't know about you but I fee much better knowing that throughout all of Florida in all the ports there is at least 162 gallons of fuel. ROFL Look later in the article it says FL alone uses 23 million gallons a day. So we have enough fuel for what hmm let’s see carry the one and you have.......wait for it. That’s enough fuel for exactly 2/3 of a second. Hopefully this article has good editors and they will catch this mistake. - Oil companies begin inspecting damage in Gulf

Ok let’s think for a moment. I am not immune or ignoring the tragedy in LA but there is more than enough coverage on that issue. Let’s leave it at this. I can understand the grocery stores getting ransacked for food, but other items? Looters should be shot on site and left as a warning. Sounds cruel but it would stop the worst in human nature from making a bad situation worse. Anyway the oil companies are able to be up and running again within a few days after a major storm like this. That is impressive and since our nations economy is based on oil this is a good thing. Lets give our prayers to the victims of the storm and our thanks to the Oil companies for being so well prepared for a storm like this, maybe civilians should take some suggestions from them on getting ready for a major storm like this.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Bush praises families of troops in Iraq

Bush Praises families of troops in Iraq

I have nothing to add to this except to quote Anne Coulter "Peace, through superior firepower!" Read and enjoy.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Voting is a duty not a choice!

Why does Cindy get half a page and this a few lines. People listen to me our guys and gals are making it happen over there. There is an entire nation that is now free! They get to vote over there and are willing to die to do it. We are going to keep them safe. The vote thing is another blog when it comes to voters in our country. But over there we are not malicious baby killers forced into slavery because our young are too stupid to know any better! We are a proud country whos young are volunteering to go and make the world a better place! Keep it up and lets keep supporting them. We love you guys and gals and thanks for all you do.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Cindy Sheehan

You know what truly angers me about this woman? Beside the fact that she is dishonoring her son’s memory and basically spitting in the face of every American soldier who has ever given their life so she can have the freedom to stage her false protest, she is getting attention because of it! Like a petulant child she is being spoiled by the mainstream media to the point of exclusion of all else. The coverage was lopsided before her, but since she has come on the scene there has been little or no coverage of anything but her. The crosses behind her with brave men and women listed on them don’t represent anything but religious hypocrisy. You want to talk about sacrifice? My story is no different than many others out there and carries all the meaning of a life dedicated to service. She wants to whine and cry about her son passing away or as she said being killed by President Bush. Her son died to keep us free and should be honored because of it. My sister is a mother of three who chose to join the military after 9/11, left her, at that time, two children in my care for almost a year while she was training to do her job. Then, when her time to serve came, she willingly left, her now three children, to go serve her country in the war on terror, overseas where they cannot go. She hasn’t seen them in months and wont until after Christmas. Do you see her whining and crying or her children hating their mom for what she is doing? NO she does what she does with honor and with dignity and all the love and care that a true mother has for her children. She does what she does to keep them and all of us safe because she believes in what she is doing for her country!! Her children don’t hate her, the ones who are old enough to understand are proud of their mom and the youngest wont even know the difference. She misses them horribly but also understands what it means to be a loving mother and to sacrifice when your duty calls for it. Some things in this world are worth dying for, some are worth protecting and some are worth giving up that which is most precious to you for a cause larger than yourself. So I say to Cindy Sheehan, remove yourself from your pathetic excuse for a self involved pity party, stop trying to martyr your son on a cross of injustice and begin to honor his memory by encouraging all young people to get a sense of pride in their country and go out and fight against evil in the world. Patriotism is lacking in this country and it’s high time that those who have sacrificed for it start acting like it. All those of you who are protecting my family and children from the tyranny of the world I honor you and thank you and please, become the best you can at what you do so you can come home to your family as I return to mine every night. But if the ultimate sacrifice is made for us then we honor you and comfort your families with a patriotic love for a life given in the ultimate sacrifice, service to your country! © 2005 Flint Anderson